Eating is a part of everyday life, and every country has its own traditions and rituals based around food. Wix Squared can arrange intimate Kaiseki dinners in Japan, healthy lunches in spa retreats, authentic cooking classes with local market visits, Michelin star restaurant bookings and unique private dining in places you can only dream of. Wash all this down with a wine tasting experience in Australia, a fresh lassie in India, a cup of strong coffee in Vietnam or a glass of mint tea in Morocco.

India’s cuisine is full of heady spices and fragrant herbs, however they vary from region to region. We can arrange street food tours in Delhi, cooking demonstrations in a Keralan homestay, private thali dinners in remote locations or authentic dining off a banana leaf in Tamil Nadu using your hands in place of cutlery.
Food is often the highlight of any trip to Japan. Start with a visit to the famous fish market and tuna auction in Tokyo, learn how to make sushi from a head chef, embrace the rituals of a traditional tea ceremony in Kyoto and let us find you a table at one of the best Michelin star restaurants in the world.
There is so much more to Moroccan food than tagine and couscous. Learn to make bread in a traditional medina oven, visit a saffron farm in the Ourika Valley or enrol in the sophisticated Maison Arabe cooking school. We can also arrange a medina tasting tour by night in Fez and book dinner at the best table in Jemaa el-Fna.
In Turkey, rest assured that the food will be exceptionally fresh and delicious no matter where you go or what you eat. We can arrange culinary walks led by experts to connect local markets with restaurants and food vendors that are lesser known. Or get your hands dirty and spend hours in the kitchen learning how the locals turn fresh, simple dishes into edible works of art.
Thai food is one of the most delicious cuisines in Asia, combining, sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy tastes. Take your shopping list to the local market in Chiang Mai, full of vibrant colours and smells, then spend the morning cooking up a storm on a rural farm. Alternatively try our Bangkok street food excursion by night or enjoy fine dining at one of the many restaurants in town.
Vietnamese cuisine relies heavily on fish paste and soy sauce with plenty of fresh ingredients and is incredibly healthy. Explore Saigon’s food scene by vespa at night or head to Hanoi to spend a morning with Mr Vu Long (head of the Hanoi Gastronomy Club) to sample the more unusual delicacies of Vietnam.